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Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 107

Academic Affairs collection, 1987-2008

Identifier: MSS-BU-7-2014
Scope and Contents The Academic Affairs Committee series primarily contains meeting minutes and agendas from the group during the 1990s and the early 2000s. The Alumni Survey provides information such as recent graduate employment and continued education statistics. The folder also has comparative statistics with other schools. The BLink folder contains a promotional flyer for the My Bethel Link web hub. The Court of Honor was a banquet to honor graduates of local private...
Dates: 1987 - 2008

Addison Street Baptist Church of Chicago collection, 1866-1986

Identifier: MSS-Chu-IL-1
Scope and Contents This collection spans from the church's founding in 1866 to its 120th Anniversary in 1986. The General folder contains various materials, such as anniversary bulletins, correspondence, and written histories.The Församlingen och Hemmet series holds the serial publication by the same name. It's name changed to its English equivalent Church and Home in 1938.The Bulletins series spans the dates 1938 to 1946 and are...
Dates: 1866 - 1986

Andrew Liliemark papers, 1912-1987

Identifier: MSS-Bio-SC-1-2022
Scope and Contents

This collection contains material kept and created by Andrew Liliemark, including a musical textbook from his time as a student at Bethel. There is also a binder of 28 original unpublished compositions of hymns by Liliemark during his time as a Baptist minister. These are in English and Swedish. Intermingled with the music is a Swedish poem by Liliemark published in a newspaper in 1979.

Dates: 1912-01-01 - 1987-04

Argentina Missions collection, 1965-1984

Identifier: MSS-Miss-18
Scope and Contents The Argentina Missions collection dates between 1965 and 1984 and is held in two boxes of 1.5 cubic feet. The Checks are held in envelopes, dating from 1965 to 1976. They are primarily payments to missionaries from the Baptist Mission of Northwest Argentina. The financial records date between 1974 and 1978, containing salary payments, missionary expenditures, and financial support for the missionary work.The Field Council Minutes date between 1973 and...
Dates: 1965 - 1984

Audio Reel collection, 1953-1994

Identifier: Media-3
Scope and Contents The Audio Reel collection conatins reel to reel audio tapes from Bethel and the Baptist General Conference. They contain sermons, conferences, music, and missionary recordings. Because the archives does not have a playback machine, labels are based on what is written on the boxes, which is often limited. The six reels from March 5, 1960 appear to be from a homiletics conference, all of which are labeled "Quiggle", the last name of a seminary student.The missionary...
Dates: 1953 - 1994

August Lindstedt papers, 1910-1948

Identifier: MSS-Miss-3
Scope and Contents This collection contains information from August Lindstedt, his family, and fellow missionaries throughout his life. The majority of these materials come from either Russia or China, with some materials originating from Sweden or the United States. Most materials fall between the years of 1910 and 1948. The V.M. Leontieff series contains a folder of letters, mostly in English and regarding finances from the 1930s. The reports are mostly in Russian and span mostly from 1927 to...
Dates: 1910 - 1948

Aymond William Anderson papers, 1945-1975

Identifier: MSS-Bio-10
Scope and Contents The Aymond Anderson papers cover three boxes of 4.5 cubic feet. They date approximately between 1945 amd 1975.Most of the folders are sermon notes. Some folders are labeled by topic, and the alphebetized folders retain the titles of the original folders. Other original folders that were unlabeled are now labeled "Sermons". The Notes were found in the folders of articles and pamphlets. The Ephemera folder contains a selection of material saved from the articles and...
Dates: 2025-02-04 - 2025-02-25

Baptism and Membership Questionnaire collection, 1994-1995

Identifier: MSS-6
Scope and Contents The Baptism and Membership Questionnaire collection dates to 1994 and 1995 and covers two boxes of one cubic foot. The district folders contain the questionnaire responses from churches around the country that were sent back to the Baptist General Conference. One folder of international responses contain results from Brazil, Ethiopia, and Japan.The Correspondence folder contains letters, mostly from pastors regarding the resolutions by the Board of Overseers. ...
Dates: 1994 - 1995

Baptist General Conference Board of Trustees collection, 1889-2011

Identifier: MSS-10
Scope and Contents The Board of Trustees collection spans eight boxes of 12 cubic feet. The collection dates from 1889 to 2011.The copies of letters by the Corresponding Secretary are bound together in a ledger, dating from 1896 to 2006. They are in Swedish. The Executive Committee series holds three ledgers of meeting minutes in Swedish dating from 1889 to 1909. The folders contain primarily meeting minutes and recommendations to the Board. The Correspondence series dates...
Dates: 1889 - 2011

Baptist General Conference Executive Council collection, 1967-1988

Identifier: MSS-11
Scope and Contents

The Executive Council collection dates between 1967 and 1988. It covers two cubic feet in two boxes.

This collection consists of the minutes of the Executive Council. It also includes supplemental materials involving other areas of the Baptist General Conference, such as budgets, missions, and correspondence.

Dates: 1967 - 1988

Filter Results

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Baptists, Swedish 24
Baptist church buildings 18
Church records and registers 14
Christian universities and colleges 10
Missions--Philippines 9
∨ more
Missions--Africa 8
Baptist theological seminaries 7
Cebu Island (Philippines) 5
Masbate Island (Philippines) 5
Missionaries, Medical 5
Missions--Asia 5
Religious education 5
Sermons 5
Missions--Japan 4
Assam (India) 3
Christian Universities and Colleges 3
College administrators 3
Missions--China 3
Women 3
World War, 1939-1945 3
Academic librarians 2
Bulletins/Newsletters 2
Clergy 2
College presidents 2
Communism 2
Deans of women 2
Environmentalism 2
Evangelistic work 2
Manchuria (China) 2
Marketing 2
Publicity/Promotions 2
Serial publications 2
Students 2
Universities and colleges--Administration 2
Women missionaries 2
AIDS (Disease) 1
Archives 1
Armed Forces-Officers 1
Athletics 1
Baptism 1
Baptism and church membership 1
Business Records 1
Business correspondence 1
China--History--Long March, 1934-1935 1
Church membership 1
College Presidents 1
College theater 1
Composition (Music) 1
Depressions--1929 1
Dormitories 1
Ethnography 1
Financial Records 1
First drafts 1
German language--Study and teaching--English speakers 1
Glossolalia 1
Great Fire, Chicago, Ill., 1871 1
Gustav V, King of Sweden, 1858-1950 1
Italo-Ethiopian War, 1935-1936 1
Memorandums 1
Mille Lacs Indian Reservation (Minn.) 1
Nonviolence--Religious aspects--Christianity 1
Nursing--Study and teaching 1
Ojibwa Indians 1
Olympics 1
Open theism 1
Photograph Albums 1
Photography 1
Pietism 1
Poetry 1
Political science 1
Presbyterian Church 1
Professionalism in sports 1
Promotions 1
Public relations 1
Religious disputations 1
Research notes 1
Saint Paul (Minn.) 1
September 11 Terrorist Attacks, 2011 1
Sino-Japanese War, 1937-1945 1
Social justice 1
Social work education 1
Soldiers 1
Soviet Union -- History -- Revolution, 1917-1921 1
Temperance 1
Theological seminary libraries 1
Time capsules 1
Translating and interpreting 1
Women's History Month 1
World War, 1914-1918 1
∧ less
English 105
Swedish 29
Amharic 2
Norwegian 2
Chinese 1
∨ more  
Hagstrom, G. Arvid 6
Nelson, Effie Victoria (1901-1977) 5
Olson, Virgil Adolf, Rev., 1915-2013 5
Backlund, Jonas Oscar, 1875-1955 4
Edgren, John Alexis (1839-1908) 3
∨ more
God's Invasion Army. Evangelism Corps 3
Hedeen, Olof, Rev., 1860-1936 3
Lagergren, Carl Gustaf, 1846-1941 3
Lagergren, Selma, 1885-1975 3
Magnuson, Norris Alden (1932-2006) 3
Olson, Adolf, Rev., 1886-1955 3
Turnwall, William Richard, 1923-2008 3
Anderson, Bengt Ivar (1896-1983) 2
Anderson, Donald E., 1927- 2
Bjork, Dale Winton, 1921-1984 2
Boyd, Gregory, 1957- 2
Burch, Orville Myrland, Rev., 1912-1960 2
Coleman, Tom 2
Cragg, Carole 2
Dahlberg, Woody 2
Engwall, Swan Arvid (1892-1969) 2
Guston, G. David, Rev. (1907-1998) 2
Hanson, Roger M. 2
Hedberg, Carl Perry, 1897-1985 2
Johnson, Gordon Gilbert (1919-2011) 2
Johnson, John Warren, Rev. (1920-2009) 2
Karo, Lindon, Rev., 1940-1973 2
Klingberg, Robert, Rev., 1905-1964 2
Larson, Dana Mason, Rev. (1921-2013) 2
Lidbom, Harold (1982) 2
Lind, Olof Milton, Rev., 1896-1946 2
Lindstedt, August, Rev., 1887-1950 2
Lindstedt, Lars Marwin, 1924-2012 2
Lindstedt, Ruth (1924-2014) 2
Luckman, James Oswald Atha, Rev. (1908-1998) 2
Lundquist, Carl H. 2
Magnuson, Warren R., Dr. (1921-2016) 2
Nelson, Swaney August, Rev., 1869-1940 2
Okerson, Olaus, Rev., 1836-1901 2
Olson, Gordon Lowell, Rev., 1932-2023 2
Omark, Edwin J., Rev. (1899-1984) 2
Ongman, John, Rev., 1845-1931 2
Rendahl, John Stanley 2
Schmidt, Emanuel, 1868-1921 2
Silene, Christopher, 1850-1919 2
Sjostrand, Erik, 1869-1945 2
Smith, William Robert, Rev., 1911-1997 2
Sundberg, Gordon E., Rev., 1925-2008 2
Sword, Gustaf Adolf, 1887-1962 2
Tanquist, Joseph Eric (1881-1969) 2
Tegenfeldt, Herman Gustaf (1913-1981) 2
Viren, Elsie (1993) 2
Vukelich, Tom 2
Ahlquist, Jonas August, Dr. (1887-1941) 1
Ahlstrom, Louis John, Rev., 1854-1945 1
Aldeen , Carl Alfred (1870-1948) 1
Allen, Ross 1
Anderson, Aymond William, 1906-2005 1
Anderson, Bert C., Rev. (1923-2011) 1
Anderson, C. Bruce, Rev. 1
Anderson, Clarence D., Rev., 1925- 1
Anderson, Gordon H., Rev., 1914-1995 1
Anderson, Norman P., Rev. (1936) 1
Ankerberg, Burton E., Rev., 1920-1991 1
Ankerberg, William Carl, Rev., 1950- 1
Bakke, Jeannette 1
Baptist General Conference of America 1
Baptist World Alliance 1
Barkey, David 1
Bass, Clarence Beaty (1922-2021) 1
Benander, Carl Erik, 1861-1956 1
Berglund, Edgar E., Rev., 1918-2010 1
Bethel College and Seminary (Saint Paul, Minn.) 1
Bethel University 1
Betz, Leighton A., Rev., 1937-1998 1
Bjelland, Constance, 1922-2005 1
Bjelland, Irwin, 1920-1992 1
Bjork-Olson, Alma Ilbings, 1923-2023 1
Blomgren, Andrew, Rev., 1854-1913 1
Bodien, Margareta (1861-1982) 1
Bodien, Olof, Rev., 1857-1912 1
Bowman, Robert D., Rev., 1940-2021 1
Bronleewe, Rudolph P., Rev., 1898-1981 1
Brushaber, George K., President, 1938-2021 1
Buchanan, Edward A. 1
Calhoun, Donald Wendell (1918-2012) 1
Carlson, G. William 1
Carlson, John Amandus (1861-1941) 1
Chalmers, George William, Rev. (1924-2009) 1
Chalmers, Nancy Stein (1924-2008) 1
Charles, Paul Henry, Rev., 1956- 1
Chesbro, Elizabeth Lorenz (1928) 1
Chesbro, Wilbert John (1920-2022) 1
Christian College Consortium (U.S.) 1
Clark, James L., 1943- 1
Copeland, Dorette (1925) 1
Copeland, Norman, Dr. (1919-1999) 1
Counihan, James Joseph (1934) 1
Cragg, Kevin 1
Dahlquist, Douglas A., Rev. (1932-2019) 1
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