Showing Records: 1 - 10 of 11089
1 A-Al 1955-56
This collection consists of Carl Lundquist’s personal papers, and includes records documenting Lundquist’s tenure at Bethel College and Seminary; annual reports to the Baptist General Conference; correspondence with family and professional colleagues; Lundquist’s sermons, lectures, and writings; documents relating to the move from the Snelling Avenue campus to the Arden Hills campus; and documents from his memberships in various organizations and committees outside of Bethel.
2 Am-Az 1955-56
This collection consists of Carl Lundquist’s personal papers, and includes records documenting Lundquist’s tenure at Bethel College and Seminary; annual reports to the Baptist General Conference; correspondence with family and professional colleagues; Lundquist’s sermons, lectures, and writings; documents relating to the move from the Snelling Avenue campus to the Arden Hills campus; and documents from his memberships in various organizations and committees outside of Bethel.
2 promotional pens
3 Ba-Bd 1955-56
This collection consists of Carl Lundquist’s personal papers, and includes records documenting Lundquist’s tenure at Bethel College and Seminary; annual reports to the Baptist General Conference; correspondence with family and professional colleagues; Lundquist’s sermons, lectures, and writings; documents relating to the move from the Snelling Avenue campus to the Arden Hills campus; and documents from his memberships in various organizations and committees outside of Bethel.
3 engraved spoons
3 MKs in Brazil, Mark and Helen Downing , 1988
The Filmstrips and Slideshows collection is made up of various media types, including photographic slides, filmstrips, audio magnetic reels, LP vinyl records, and audiocassettes. Some include a printed script. Much of the content is either about Bethel or missions initiatives in the Baptist General Conference, particularly slideshows created by missionaries about their time on the mission field.
3a Bacca;aireate Service 1955-56
This collection consists of Carl Lundquist’s personal papers, and includes records documenting Lundquist’s tenure at Bethel College and Seminary; annual reports to the Baptist General Conference; correspondence with family and professional colleagues; Lundquist’s sermons, lectures, and writings; documents relating to the move from the Snelling Avenue campus to the Arden Hills campus; and documents from his memberships in various organizations and committees outside of Bethel.
4 Be-Bh 1955-56
This collection consists of Carl Lundquist’s personal papers, and includes records documenting Lundquist’s tenure at Bethel College and Seminary; annual reports to the Baptist General Conference; correspondence with family and professional colleagues; Lundquist’s sermons, lectures, and writings; documents relating to the move from the Snelling Avenue campus to the Arden Hills campus; and documents from his memberships in various organizations and committees outside of Bethel.
6 Bl-Bn 1955-56
This collection consists of Carl Lundquist’s personal papers, and includes records documenting Lundquist’s tenure at Bethel College and Seminary; annual reports to the Baptist General Conference; correspondence with family and professional colleagues; Lundquist’s sermons, lectures, and writings; documents relating to the move from the Snelling Avenue campus to the Arden Hills campus; and documents from his memberships in various organizations and committees outside of Bethel.
6 Pocket Bibles
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- Subject
- Hymns 1
- Language
- Swedish 29
- English 9
- German 2
- Names
- Lagergren, Carl Gustaf, 1846-1941 10
- Albright, Kenneth C. (1936-2015) 4
- Nelson, Peter Gottard 4
- Sorley, Robert 3
- Carlson, Bengt L. 2
- Clint, Rudolph Anton 2
- Hammarstrom, Samuel 2
- Klingberg, John Erik 2
- Lachler, Karl 2
- Morten, Nels N. 2
- Nordine, Dennis 2
- God's Invasion Army. Evangelism Corps 1
- Grant, William 1
- Gundersen, H. 1
- Hanson, Andrew P. 1
- Larson, Ralph Walter (1921-1951) 1
- Northrup, G.W. 1
- Olsen, C.G. 1
- Sandell, Eric 1
- Sorley, Darlene 1
- Sorley, David, Dr. 1
- Stauffer, Irving 1
- Stauffer, Mary 1
- Towner, Daniel B. 1 ∧ less