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 File — Box: 8, Folder: 6

Scope and Contents

From the Collection:

The Archival Inventory and Donation Records folder contains correspondence related to collection, content, donation and donor information, inventory.

The Lagergren Biography File contains article clippings, tributes, biographies, obituaries, general information, newspaper clippings, Who’s Who In Minnesota Questionnaire and lists of publications; mostly pertaining to Carl Gustaf Lagergren.

The Cards Folder contains Christmas cards, thank you cards, and...
information about the funeral of Selma Lagergren.

The Congratulatory Papers folder contains handmade cards and a 90th Birthday card for Carl Gustaf Lagergren.

The Bookmarks and Name Cards folder contains small cards left as markers inside books from Carl’s personal library.

The Miscellaneous Articles folder contains the writings “A Dramatic Reconciliation” by C. George Ericson and “25th Anniversary History - 1901, Period of Foundation of the Moline, Illinois, Swedish Baptist Church.”

The Selma Lagergren folder contains a copy of “Flyttningsbevis”, “Remembering Selma G. Lagergren”, an obituary, and correspondence from the Jainga Family in the Philippines, the Convention of Philippine Baptist Churches from Jesus T. Valflor, Lloyd G. James, and Alice M Giffin (the Area Secretary in East Asia).

The Selma Lagergren Correspondence folder contains correspondence from across the Swedish Baptist Conference, including from: - Fred P Haggard: Missionary appointment - To Edith (Traverse City, Michigan): Remembering Morgan Park; Swedish Preachers - Information News and Features from Overseas: - Rev. Levi L. Lahaylahay installed as general secretary of the Convention of Philippine Baptist Churches - Broadcast Scripts (KMFS) - Lenwood Edge named honorary fellow in agronomy at University of Wisconsin - Christmas 1970 Letter from Bryant Currier - Report on Veterans Village Family Center in Iloilo City, Philippines - Language Truly an Art in Philippines Today by Robert F. Cramer - TB A Major Philippine Problem: Nation Lacks Beds and Doctors - Baptist Laywoman Teaches Priests Principles of Family Planning - An Ecumenical Conversation by Robert F. Cramer - Rev. Floyd And Mrs. Beverly Roseberry – Evangelistic Lifestyle, foster homes, lay witnessing, life updates, Faith Academy - Philippine Churches Aid Flood Victims - Foreign Mission Society Invites overseas Speakers for Key ‘73 Participation - Installation of a Gas Anesthesia Machine and Other Hospital News from Iloilo, Philippines - Rev. Mrs. Howard Houston – Christian Center, Travel to the States, Parkinson’s Disease, Seattle Pacific College, Bacolod, Lotha Naga Baptist Association Golden Jubilee - Elizabeth M. Taylor Christmas Letter – Central Philippine University - Constitutional Convention and Convention Bible College - Lillian M Gleason Christmas Greeting – HAND (Health Aid to the Needy for Development) has grown into The Baptist Center Church Medical-Dental-Family Planning- Legal-Pastoral Mobile Clinic - Iloilo City, Philippines Doromal Family - Dr. and Mrs. Edwin G. Tegenfeldt – financials and the Arab-Israeli war - Miss Alice M. Griffin – leaving the Philippines to become the Area Secretary for East Asia, previously held by Dr. Russell Brown - New Missionaries for the Philippines - Rev. and Mrs. C. Conrad Browne – travel experiences in Honolulu, Hong Kong, Manila - Philippine Family Planning Center On the Air - BIM Appoints Special Service Workers - Babies Dying By the Score in Six Sahelian Nations - Baptist Doctor Honored in Philippines - Heavy Duty Hurts Christian Purse - Filipina Nurse Condition Serious - It Isn’t As Simple As It Seems (ABFMS Literature Order Service), Literature Distribution Letter - Medical Missions Overseas – Probable Future Directions

The Selma Lagergen in American Swedish Baptists in Missionary Service folder contains a biography of Missionary Selma Gustava Lagergren and other writings about her time as a missionary in the Philippines.

The Lagergren Genealogy and Papers folder contains an heirloom description, letters of Birthday thanks, family tree sheets, and the invitations of, writings by and death announcements for Per Lagergren.

The Old Letters folder contains telegrams, car payments, and letters of correspondence from Rev. Charles A. Carmen, an In Memoriam Leslie E. Swain letter, and between Carl, Selma, Anna, and their mother. Additionally this folder contains a variety of handwritten notes and drawings including sketches by a Mr. Munger and the message: “Please return this, I want to frame it. Never knew Mr. Munger was an artist, did you? ha! Ha!”

The Letters from Sweden folder contains a Swedish Baptist Missionaren Post Card, a letter signed by many pastors and correspondence to C. G. Lagergren from Swedburg, Bodien, Hjalmer Henriksson, P Emanuel Pettersson, Ericsson, David Eden, Edvin Ryde, Ostersund, V. Liljeberg, Stina Backman, C. F. Viking, Broderligen J. Byström, Johan Bergman, Josef Lundberg.

The Theology series contains theological writings and sermons, both handwritten and published. The Bibelns Marior folder contains newspaper clippings.

The Allas slutliga frälsning mss. 11 p. folder contains a handwritten document.

The Alltings återställelse contains a handwritten document.

The Andeförnyelson contains Nya Wecko Posten clippings and a handwritten document.

The Doctrine of Election in its Relation to Other Bible Doctrines folder contains a typed document.

The Dop, Nattvard, Församling folder contains a handwritten document.

The Dopdiskussionen i Ely, Minn. folder contains a handwritten document.

The Dodsriket folder contains a bound handwritten document.

The Frälsning Efter Döden folder contains a handwritten document.

The Lärobok For Kristendomsunder - Visningen, 1900 folder contains newspaper clippings.

The Förbönen folder contains bound handwritten documents.

The Människans Frihet folder contains handwritten documents.

The Ecclesia folder contains bound handwritten documents.

The Omdaning eller nyskapelse? folder contains newspaper clippings.

The Reningen Ar Det Allraheligaste I Himmelen, Eb. 9:2-3 folder contains a handwritten document.

The Utkorelsen folder contains handwritten documents. The Villfarelsens Eller Kätteriets Bekampande, 2 Tim. 2:14-18 folder contains handwritten documents.

The Oppen Eller Sluten Kommunion? folder contains newspaper clippings.

The En livskraftig och en död församling folder contains newspaper clippings.

The Mellankyrkligt Samarbete och Allkurklia Forening folder contains newspaper clippings.

The Ordinationens Innebord och Ansvarsfullnet folder contains a handwritten document.

The Psykologiens betydelse for den religiosa verksamheten folder contains a handwritten document.

The Religionsundervisningen for var barn folder contains a handwritten document.

The Ungdomen och Bildningen folder contains a handwritten document and newspaper clippings.

The Ar det negon gemensam uppgift av…? folder contains handwritten documents in an envelope.

The En mork fläck pa en vacker tarla (LJ Kallberg’s historia) folder contains bound handwritten documents.

The Betydelsen för den skandinaviska N Norden av Finlands forryskning folder contains a handwritten document.

The Gustaf the 2nd Adolf, Sverges hjelte korung folder contains a handwritten document.

The Forsoningsfragen, Vaktare, Vad Lider Tiden? 1915-1917 folder contains newspaper clippings and handwritten documents.

The Hermenevtik folder contains a bound notebook with newspaper clippings and loose typed notes.

The Millenium folder contains bound handwritten documents.

Publications series The 20 Articles Written for Seminarie-Posten and Bethel Herald, 1915-1918 folder contains bound, printed copies of Lagergren’s Svardet och Murslefren and copies of Seminarie-Posten articles from Jan-March, Dec 1915; Feb, May, June, Oct 1916; Feb 1917; March, Oct 1920; March, Oct-Nov 1921; April 1923; May 1924; Dec 1926; May 1928. Exegesis Old Testament and New Testament The Psaltaren Predikaren folder contains bound and unbound handwritten documents.

The Profeterna folder contains handwritten documents.

The Jobs Bok folder contains handwritten documents and newspaper clippings.

The Evangelium enlight Markus folder contains handwritten documents.

The Kristus och Paul folder contains handwritten documents.

The Paulinska Breven folder contains documents for “Tessaloniker- och Galaterbreven”, a typed “Romarbrevet Analys”, “Adam och Kristus”, “Efeserbrevet”, and “Första tessalonikerbrevet”.

The Paulinska Breven II folder contains documents for “Kolossserbrevet”, “Brevet till Filemon”, and “Flipperbrevet.”

The Paulinska Breven III folder contains the documents “Pastoralbreven” and “Paulinskatanbar.”

The Ebreerbrevet folder contains handwritten documents.

The Uppenbarelseboken folder contains preaching series announcements and other handwritten documents.

Biography series The Dr. Eric Sandell. Till Hans Minne folder contains newspaper clippings dated February 28, 1918 and a poem by C.G. Lagergren.

The Olof Engberg. Ett Minnesfest folder contains Nya Wecko Posten Newspaper clippings dated 13 February 1912.

The Anders Wiberg. En reformator i det 19:e århundradet folder contains newspaper clippings dated May 1932 and bound handwritten notes

The Baptist History series folders commonly contain typed or handwritten notes, rough drafts, early versions, or finalized and published copies of writings by Carl Gustaf Lagergren.

The Village Creek, Iowa folder contains handwritten documents.

The F.O. Nilsson and Houston folder contains handwritten documents.

The Illinois – Historia folder contains documents pertaining to “Predikantföreningen”, “Sondagsskolförening (1892-1912) av C Palm”, and Ett Halfsekel-Minne (1856-1906), Föredrag vid 50-års jubileet i Moline den 27 Maj 1906. “Vi prisa dem saliga, som varit ståndaktiga.” Jak. 5:11. The Årsbok för Svenska Baptisterna i Forenta Staterna, 1888-89 folder contains a bound printed copy of Nya Wecko-Posten Jubilieums Nummer, dated 23 September 1902.

The Inbjudnings Breu Till Femtioårs Jubiliet I Chicago, 1902 folder contains handwritten letters from C. G. Lagergren, transcribed by Olof Hedeen.

The Bakgrunden till den baptistiska rorelsen i sverige folder contains an article in the Seminarie-Posten by C. G. Lagergren, a translated copy of “The Background to the movement of the Baptists in Sweden” and handwritten manuscripts.

The Aterblick pa baptismens uppkomst och utveckling i sverge. Foredrag, 1898 folder contains handwritten manuscripts.

The Baptist Movement on the Continent of Europe folder contains handwritten manuscripts, dated March 11, 1906.

The Blad ur Svenska Baptisternas Historia folder contains handwritten manuscripts from Jamestown, NY, dated September 19, 1926.

The De Fyra Huvudperioderna I Var Historia folder contains a handwritten bound manuscript and a copy of the Svenska Standaret, Tisdagen Den 22 April 1930.

The “I Norden” Den Europeiska Baptistkongressonen I Berlin, 1908 folder contains newspaper clippings.

The Hvar Stå Vi? Hvartill Strafra Vi? July 1913 folder contains newspaper clippings.

The Hvilka Äro De Faror, Som Som Sarskildt I Närvarande Tid Hota Oss Sasom Samfund? folder contains newspaper clippings.

The Hundra-Milliondriren found newspaper clippings.

The Vara Samfundsinrättningar, en vardig Minnesvard folder contains a handwritten draft and newspaper clippings.

The Baptisternas Stormoten 1928 och Deras Betydelse folder contains newspaper clippings.

The Faith of Our Fathers folder contains newspaper clippings and bound manuscripts.

The I Sämfundsfrägor, 1910 folder contains newspaper clippings.

The Baptisterna och Deras Existensrätt folder contains handwritten bound manuscripts and newspaper clippings.

The Sermon: To God Be Thy Glory, Romans 11:33-36 folder contains newspaper clippings and handwritten translation by Roger Hanson.

The Hwilka Kraf, Ståller en Predikants Eller Forsamlings Lareres Kall Pa Honom Sjalf? 1891 folder contains newspaper clippings.

The Från düd till Laf folder contains an envelope and handwritten manuscripts. The Intressant Jamforelse. Dec 1890 folder contains newspaper clippings.

The Pa vad satt bedriva vi utlandskmission? folder contains handwritten manuscripts.

The Var Ungdom och Missionens Heliga Kraf folder contains newspaper clippings.

The Renlärighet och dess betydelse för ett framgångfullt missionsarbete folder contains handwritten manuscripts.

Within the Church series, most folders contain letters, typed or handwritten notes, rough drafts, early versions, or finalized and published copies of writings.

The Ett Andligt Hus folder contains a sermon pamphlet and newspaper clippings.

The Framtidens forsamling folder contains a printed booklet, “The Christian Church (What of Its Future)” by John D. Rockfeller, Jr., a handwritten manuscript and newspaper clippings.

The Ett Girakt I Kyrkomötesfragen folder contains newspaper clippings.

The Kunskap Och Gudsfruktan folder contains a copy of a Bethel Academy handwritten graduation speech.

The Historiska Urkunder folder contains a handwritten letter, a print of The Baptist Union Theological Seminary in Chicago, and a letter to the History Committee.

The Pastor Rosens Pension folder contains a handwritten letter.

The I Samfundsfrågor, 1909 folder contains a newspaper clippings and a copy of the Konstitution för Svenska Baptisternas i Amerika Allmänna Konferens.

The Inträde I Predikantskola, June 1895 folder contains newspaper clippings.

The Resekiss. I Östern Vester Ut, 1894 folder contains newspaper clippings dated 13 Juni 1894.

Autobiography series The Biography folder contains Photographs of Carl Gustaf Lagergren, “Remembering My Father, Carl Gustaf Lagergren” by Mrs. Siegrid Lagergren Benson ca. 1935, “References to the Life and Work of Carl Gustaf Lagergren, 1846-1941”, “From the Battle and Work Field – A review of C.G. Lagergren’s autobiography” by Professor Adolf Olson, a Who’s Who in America questionnaire, Veckoposten nr 49 den 8 december 1988: En dammig gammal bronsgubbe clippings, and copies of other newspaper clippings.

The References to father by prominent Baptist leaders, ministers, and authors folder contains a copy of “Message delivered at Dr. C.G. Lagergren’s funeral service in the Emerald Avenue Baptist church, Chicago, November 1, 1941 by J. O. Backlund and a typed list titled, “References to Father.”

The Kallelser folder contains an invitation, letters to C.G. Lagergen from Rev. P. A. Hjelm in Chicago [dated 27 September 1888 and 12 April 1889], a letter from Z. E. Andersfan [dated 27 September 1883], a letter from C. A. Bergman, G. Gustafsson, A Pjansson, J.G. Erickson, Aug. Lundgren in Upsala [dated 15 March 1893], a letter from J. A. Borgstrom, Wilhelm Lindblom, A. Ullmack, John Hedberg [dated 5 September 1894], and a letter to Rev. Frank Palmor from C.G. Lagergen, Morgan Park, Il [dated 15 May 1914].

The Congratulations and Telegrams folder contains letters sent and received around important times in Carl Gustaf Lagergren’s life. These include miscellaneous and birthday greetings with a list of people who sent letters or cards for Carl Gustaf ’s 80th Birthday and the following letters: - Siegrid to C.G. Lagergren [dated 2 March 1936] - from J. E. Lindberg [dated 18 May 1931] - from Rev Eric Anderson [dated 20 June 1939] - an image of Carl Gustaf Lagergren, David Gustafson, Gustave Arvid Hagstrom, Eric Sandell - letters to Selma and Anna Lagergren from Edith Larson [dated 5 February and 23 April 1959] - a thank you letter sent by C.G. Lagergren [dated 21 June 1939] - from L.J. Olson to Dr. C.G. Lagergren, 20 June 1914 - an unsigned letter [dated 21 June 1921].

This also includes congratulatory letters about C.G. Lagergren receiving the Knighthood of the Royal Order of the North Star from G.A. Gustavson [dated 16 June 1930] and Helen and John Swanson [dated 11 June 1930].

The Sjuttiofem Års, Hogtiden, 21 June, 1921 folder contains a speech by G.A. Rylander at Dean C.G. Lagergren’s 25th Anniversary in the Central Parish Church on 21 June 1921, a letter by Carl Gustaf Lagergren, newspaper clippings from the Svenska Standaret [dated May 17, 1932] and a poem by C.T. Martin. The Åttio-Års, Hogtiden, 21 Juni, 1926 folder contains a song for Dr. Lagergren of Central – Male Church Choir, newspaper clippings of ‘Ett betydelsefullt livsverk’ and collections of Letters including from: - First Swedish Baptist Association, 21 June 1926 - Anna and Eric Lund, 21 June 1926 - Ina M. Price, 19 June 1926 - N.C. Edwall - C.R. Osbeck, 21 June 1926 - Fredrik Linden, John Newstrom - P Engelbrekth, 21 June 1926 - N.C. Edwall 21 June 1926 - Eric Lund, 21 June 1926 - Ina M. Price, 19 June 1926 - John Orlandry, 12 June 1922 - G.G. Freeman, 14 June 1926 - Frank J. Liljegren, 21 June 1926 - Anna and Chris Palmer, 17 June 1926 - E.W. Olson, 21 June 1926 - J.S. Lundgren, 16 June 1926 - L.G. Olson 19 June 1926 - Olaf Taflin, 16 June 1926

The Nittio-Års, Hogtiden, 21 Juni, 1936 folder contains a program from Bethel Institute Founder’s Day [February 26, 1935], a poem titled “When the Stars Fall” written by Erik Sjöstrand to Dr. C.G Lagergren, on the occasion of his appointment to Knight of the Order of the North Star, 26 June 1930 and a list of greetings and telegrams that he received. This folder also includes Carl Gustaf Lagergren Biographies and Articles written for his 90th Birthday and found across multiple publications, including: - Baptist Evangel – June 15, 1936 - Svenska Standaret 16 June 1936 - Dr. Lagergren at Ninety - “Content of the community’s texted congratulations to Dr. Lagergren on his 90th birthday on 21 June 1936” - Jacob Peterson, Swan E. Engwall, Ragnar A. Arlander, Eric J. Anderson, J.O. Backlund — On Behalf of the Swedish Baptists of America - Svenska Standaret 23 June, 30 June 1936 - Skandia, Jamestown, N.Y., 2 July 1936 - The Baptist Evangel, 1 July, 1936 - Missionsposten, 10 July 1936 - Baptist Evangel: On Dr. C.G. Lagergen’s 90th Birthday by Rev. Eric J. Anderson - “A Message Given at the Central Church, St. Paul, June 21, 1936, by His Pastor” - Svenska Vecko-Posten - The Watchman-Examiner - Missions, November 1936 - Vid fyllda nittio år. Svenska Standaret, 14 July 1936 - Veckoposten, 23 June 1936 - Svenska Amerikanska Posten, 1 July, 1936 - “The Swedish Baptist Historical Society” – 1943 - Svenska Standaret, 4 August 1936 The Nittio-Års, Hogtiden, 21 Juni, 1936 Brev folder contains a telegram from Danielson [dated 20 June 1936], a program for the 25th Annual Meeting of the South Dakota Swedish Baptist Conference [dated 4-7 June 1936], and speech manuscripts for a message given on Dr. Lagergren’s 90th birthday at the Central Church [dated June 21st] and a speech given by G. Arvid Hagstrom commemorating the 90th birthday of Dr. Lagergren at the Swedish Baptist General Conference. This folder also includes the following letters with birthday and anniversary greetings in Swedish and English: - Hilda Anderson, 17 June 1936 - Rebecka and C.K At–quist - J Bystrom, 3 June 1936 - Eric Carlson, 22 June 1936 - Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Engblom, 16 June 1936 - M. Esselstrom, 18 June 1936 - J. E. Klingberg, 6 July 1936 - Nils Lidney, 18 June 1936 - Frank Liljegren, 25 June 1936 - Maury - Ira M Price, 18 June 1936 - P Ryden, 20 July 1936 - Rev. P. E. Sörbom, 16 June 1936 - W. R. Swartout, 16 June 1936 - Olof Taflin, 18 June 1936 - Eric Anderson, et al. 19 June 1936 - Gunnar Kahr, 18 June 1926 - Oscar R. Gunnerfeldt, 13 June 1936 - Swedish Baptist General Conference of America, 23 May 1936 - Carl Anderson (Omaha, NE), 16 June 1936 - W. R. Danielson, 15 June 1936 - C. George Ericson, 10 June 1936 - C. G. Lundin, 18 June 1936 - Bethel Institute Board of Trustees, 21 June 1936 - Milton Satterberg, M. Esselstrom, Severin Johnson, Resolutionskommitten – Finnish Baptist Mission Union of America - J. A. Rinell and J. E. Lindberg - J. A. Rinell, 15 April 1936 - Rev. Eric Anderson, 25 June 1936

The Nittiofem-Års Hogtiden, 21 Juni, 1941 folder contains items related to Carl Gustaf Lagergren’s 95th birthday such as a poem titled “Födelsedags-gratulation, Tillägnd Dean” by Erik Sjöstrand, newspaper clippings from the St. Paul Pioneer Press, The Standard, Svenska Amerikanaren Tribunen, and the Central Baptist Church, and the following letters: - Elmer Swanson, 19 June 1941 - Response from Lagergren’s children, 25 August 1941 - Rev. Eric Anderson, 21 June 1941 - J. O. Hermans, 9 July 1941 - Response from Lagergren’s children 1 August 1941 - J. E. Lindberg, 14 May 1941 - Olof Taflin, 19 June 1941

The Dödrunor Marias folder contains newspaper clippings for “Tacksamhetsadress” and the following typed and handwritten writings and speeches: “Till en Älskad, Oförgätlig Dotters Minne – Remembering Maria Lagergren”, “Jesus sade: Maria!...”, and a handwritten memorial of Maria Eufrosyne Lagergren.

The Döduna Mama’s folder contains a handwritten memorial writing titled, “Till en ömt älskad och oförgätlig makas minne. Några biografiska fakta.” and the following news articles: - Mrs. C. G. Lagergren - Minnestal - Baptist Review - The Post - Morgan Park - Fru Selma Christina Constantina Lagergren - Till en ömt älskad och oförgätlig makas minne. Några biografiska fakta. (Print) The Dödsruna Farmor’s folder contains a handwritten manuscript for “Till en ålskad och oforgatlig moders minne”

The Halsning Fran Hembygden folder contains letters from Upsala, Sweden, including from Th. Wennström.

The Hembygden-Poem, Lang Tystnad - July 1896 folder contains the writings “Från Michigans strand. Af C. G. Lagergren” with subjects: Hembygden, Lång tystnad, Vårt seminarium, Pröfningar och uppmuntran, Femtio år, Ungdomsrörelsen.

Seminary series The Newspaper Articles About Dr. C.G. Lagergren, 1881-1942 folder contains a Who’s Who in America Biography Questionnaire for Carl Gustaf Lagergren, an article [dated 29 June 1926] about Carl Gustaf Lagergren and King Gustaf V of Sweden’s visit as former classmates, and clippings from Nya Wecko Posten, Duluth Herald, The Standard, Missionsposten, Seminarie-Posten, The Bethel Clarion, Veckobulletin, Svenska Amerikanaren Tribunen, and The Divinity School News. Subjects from these clippings include weddings, deaths, visits to churches, special services, theological writings, Swedish-American history, biography, poetry, Morgan Park, missionary work, and the Royal Order of the North Star.

The Sångar and Poems of Dr. C.G. Lagergren folder contains a document titled, “Father’s Favorite Hymn: Güds Barns Trygghet,” and a list titled, “Father’s Favorite Bible Verses.” This folder also includes the following songs and poems written by Carl Gustaf Lagergren: - Drag ut! - En battse tid - Frälst Av Nåd - Hembygden - Kristi Ankomst - Sverge - “Se, Brudgummen!” - Till John Alexis Edgren, D. D. - Till d:r Eric Sandells minne (Bethel Herald) - Sånger Original - Svea

The Från Michigans Strand, 1890-96 folder contains a yearly series of updates from Carl Gustaf Lagergren on news of the Church and his personal life from Wecko Posten with subjects including Swedish Baptists in the Midwest, seminary news, and church talks that he had given.

The Central Bible Seminary folder contains a historical record, which includes the creation of the Seminary and a copy of the Constitution and By-Laws of the Seminary The En Annan Brytningstid folder contains handwritten manuscripts.

The Nya Arbeten - Morgan Park Dec 1890 folder contains clippings of “Från Michigans Strand” from Wecko-Posten.

The Svenska Spraket I Laroverket I St. Paul, June 1919 folder contains newspaper clippings of “The Swedish language in the curriculum in St. Paul.”

The Femtio-Års Jubileum, 1921 contains the following documents for the closing sermon from the Conference in St. Paul in 1921, the graduation speech for the Bachelor of Divinity and 50th Anniversary of Swedish Baptists in America, and a brief overview of the history of the Seminary, given by Dr. Lagergren at the General Conference in St. Paul in 1921: - En härförares avskedsord - 5 Mos. 33:26-29 [Predikaren vid Allmänna konferensens öppnande å skolkampus i St. Paul, Minn., den 13 September 1921] - Skolbildningens betydelse för kristendomen och dess utbredning i världen - Vårt Seminariums historia.

The Ett Jubelår Eller Vad? Folder contains “Ett Jubelar, 12 August 1921” in which Dr. Lagergren speaks on an anniversary and the history of Swedish Baptists in America, “Fakultetens Avdelning - Ett Jubelar av Dr. Lagergren” printed in the Seminarie-Posten, and a manuscript with edits and newspaper clippings from The Standard for “Ett Jubelar eller vad” printed in 1939.

The En Klar Utgångspunkt contains “A Clear Point of Departure: A Definite Aim,” an introductory lecture before the students of the Baptist Union Seminary, Morgan Park in 1889.

The På Okenvandring folder contains a prefaced handwritten manuscript titled, “On the desert wandering.”

The Klara Gundlinjer. Tankar i Skolfragan, July 1912 folder contains newspaper clippings with thoughts on the school issue.

The Seminariets Elever folder contains a handwritten list of graduation years and a copy of the “50th Anniversary of Swedish Baptists in America” book.

The Vart Seminarium och dess framtid folder contains a handwritten manuscript for the 1908 End of School Year speech.

The Vart Teologiska Seminarium 1905, 1909, 1910, 1912, 1913-19 folder contains a Seminary Report (dated 1871-1899) and the following newspaper clippings: - Speech at 34th Anniversary of the Swedish Baptist Seminary in America at First Swedish Baptist Church (Chicago - May 18, 1905) - Skolfrågans Närvarande Läge - Nya Wecko-Posten typed manuscript (13 December 1910) - Är Tärningen Redan Kastad? Reflexioner I Skolfrågan - Nya Wecko-Posten: Vår Skolfråga (2 February 1913) - Vårt Teologiska Seminarium - Några Reflexioner

The Arsberattelse För Predikantskolan folder contains “From the Mission School,” report for the 15th General Swedish Baptist Conference in America (dated 20-28 September 1894 in St. Paul, MN).

The Annu Ett Ebenezer folder contains a manuscript for a speech given at the inauguration of the New Seminary Building in St. Paul (dated 22 November 1914).

The Sermons series contains folders with various handwritten manuscripts for sermons given by Carl Gustaf Lagergen.

The Betydelsen Af Vatten Och Ande (Jh 3:5) folder contains manuscripts for a lecture at the Swedish Baptist Preacher Annual Meeting.

The Ungdomens Plats I Gyds Rike folder contains manuscripts for “The place of youth in God’s Kingdom” and the speech for the Youth Association’s 4th Anniversary Party in Chicago.

The Pradikningar folder contains a composition book with a draft of “Evangelium och dess,” (dated 1/12/1913) and “Förmåner och utsikter” (dated 2/16/1913).

The Pingstdagens Betydelse folder contains a handwritten manuscript and newspaper clippings for a Pentecost sermon at the Church of the Central Assembly in St. Paul (dated 15 May 1932).

The Gud Uti Allt. En Märkvärdig Trosbekännel Se folder contains newspaper clippings from The Standard for “God in All Things,” dated 31 January 1942.

The Sermons folder contains miscellaneous newspaper clippings for the following articles and dates: - Bön och predikan – 11 February 1944 - “Ett nådeligt Herrans år” – 27 April 1945 - Förrän de ropa… – 18 February 1944 - Evangelistkallet – May 1944 - Församlingsläraran - “Jag har icke ropat på dig…” - 1 Sam 3:5 – 26 April 1946 - Sluten Kommunion – Wecko-Posten 3 February 1949

The Anglasangen folder contains handwritten and typed versions of a sermon on Lukas 2:13-14 and letters from John Hedeen.

The Letters series contains correspondence written by and to Carl Gustaf Lagergren.

The Letters from Missionaries in Swedish contains the following correspondence from missionaries: - Rev August Berg - American Baptist Bengal-Orissa Mission, dated 27 May 1931 - Esther Bodin - In Joxasen, Oviken, Sweden, dated 23 March 1936 - In Grönviken, Fåker, Sweden, dated February 1936 - Rev. O. Hansen at the Kachen Mission, dated: - 20 July 1901 - 16 June 1928 - J. E. Lindberg in Chucheng, Shantung, China, dated 22 April 1938 - J. J. Osli—, dated 5 Jan 1906 - J. A. Rinell in Shantung, China, dated: - 13 February 1931 - 28 December 1931 - 17 January 1934 - 4 December 1941 - 31 January 1938 - C.A. Salquist - In Suifu, Chungking, China, dated: - 9 October 1903 - 12 May 1905 - In Yachow, Szechuan, China, dated 4 May 1910 - L.A.W. Smith [in English] in Rangoon, Myanmar, dated: - 29 March 1889 - 24 June 1889 - 28 December 1889 - John Selander in Sadiya, Assam, India, dated: - 20 November 1934 - 10 September 1934 (Jonah 1-3 in Assamese) - O. E. Signeul in St. Petersburg, dated 4 April 1906 - Rev. O. L. Swanson in Golaghat, Assam, India, dated 21 June 1920 - C. F. Viking in Shanghai, dated 18 September 1895 - E. -. Schugren in Cambridge, Minn, dated 11 March 1938 - B. I. Anderson in Kohima, Assam, India, dated 26 August 1932

The Letters, Misc. folder contains a note regarding the filing of Emanuel Schmidt correspondence and J. E. Klingberg correspondence and correspondence written by C. G. Lagergren in St Paul, MN to the following associates: - Kamrer Petrus Em. Petterson in Sundsvall, Sverge, dated 24 December 1936 - B. A. Gabrielson in Rockford. Illinois, dated 4 June 1937 - John Hedeen in Morgan Park, Illinois, dated 12 March 1900 - To missionaries in Finland From C. G. L. at Morgan Park as Dean of Seminary, dated 21 May 1896 - Rev J. E. Klingberg - In New Britain, Connecticut - Postcards - 27 April 1922 - 31 January 1923 - 22 November 1920 - Letters - 26 March 1922 - 19 September 1921 - 8 October 1921 - 16 January 1919 - 20 March 1920 - 17 – 1895 - 7 February 1903 - 31 October 1929 - From Carl Gustaf Lagergren in Traverse City, Michigan - Letters - 1 August 1927 - 16 July 1927 - 4 September 1935 - Postcards - 23 August 1928 - From Adolph Anderson, Contractor and Builder in Evanston, Illinois, dated: - 10 March 1922 - 19 March 1922 - A glued-backing letter to Olaf Engberg which is unlocated and undated - Adolph Anderson in Evanston, Illinois, dated 17 March 1922 - Rev. Erik Berg in Kenora, Ontario, Canada, dated 26 September 1921 - Prof. Adolph Olson in St. Paul, MN, dated 1 August 1927 - President Em. Schmidt, Adelphia College [with envelope] in Seattle, Washington, dated 3 January 1914 - From N. N. Morton to C.G. Lagergren - In Brockton, Massachusetts, dated 23 January 1899 - In Worcester, Massachusetts, dated 3 July 1902 - Christopher Silene in Sundsvall, dated 5 August 1887

The Conferences series primarily contains newspaper clippings on paper and handwritten manuscripts for speeches and sermons.

The Allmänna Konferensen, 1903 folder contains newspaper clippings from The Banaret, dated 25 September 1903.

The Allmänna Konferensen Årsmöte, 1910 folder contains newspaper clippings.

The Allmänna Konferensen, 1911 folder contains loose newspaper clippings.

The Allmänna Konferensen Konstitution Och Skolfrågan folder contains a typed manuscript with notation and newspaper clippings.

The 50: Års Jubiliums Handlingar & Tal 1902 folder contains a folder with title details, handwritten manuscripts, and a proof copy.

The Församlingarna och Konferensens 48e årsmöte i Joliet den 27 Maj 1904 folder contains a handwritten manuscript and an envelope.

The Historiska Kommitten I Illinois folder contains newspaper clippings.

The I hvilken mening Kan en tidning sägas representera eller vara “organ”... folder contains a handwritten manuscript.

The Stadgaforslag Konstitution folder contains newspaper clippings, handwritten manuscript, leaflets, and a magazine page.

The De starka och svaga sidorna i vår samfundsorganisation, janoford med… folder contains handwritten manuscript.

The Till Lagen och Vittnesbördet folder contains an envelope and a handwritten manuscript.

The Vårt Närvarande Läge folder contains newspaper clippings.

Miscellaneous series

The Letters of Sympathy folder contains letters, telegrams and cards from friends, family, colleagues, and acquaintances of the Lagergren Family and C.G. Lagergren, which has been organized with a typed list of organizations and people.

The Letters folder contains the following correspondence: - Postcard to Rev. A. E. Lysall in Anaconda, Montana, dated 4 August 1910 Rev. C.J. Almquist in Stramsburg, Nebraska, dated: - 12 April 1889 - 12 July 1938 - John Alexis Edgren in: - Red Bluff, California, dated 8 July 1889 - Oakland, California, dated 17 Oct 1889 - Students in Morgan Park, dated 24 October 1890 - C. A. Salquist in Hankow, China, dated 20 November 1893 - Christopher Silene in Duluth, MN, dated 16 Dec 1890 - Lillie Engberg Wallberg in Goshen, Indiana, dated 28 December 1911 - Olof Lind in Standburg, South Dakota, dated 9 March 1912 - Emmanuel Schmidt at Adelphia College in Seattle, Washington, dated: - 1 January 1912 - 4 April 1916 - G. Arvid Hagstrom in St. Paul, MN, dated 11 April 1917 - C. R. Opback in Mead, Nebraska, dated 1 July 1919 - J. D. Nylin, dated 1922 - Nels S. Kidney in Los Angeles, CA, dated 28 July 1934 - J. A. Rinell in Kiaochow, Shantung, China, dated 29 October 1934 - Anton Sjoland in Minneapolis, MN, dated 31 December 1935 - P. Ryden in: - Chicago, Illinois - 21 June 1940 - 14 July 1940 - Cambridge, MN - 20 December 1935 - F. C. Hamlin in Chicago, Illinois, dated: - 5 February 1935 - 22 February 1936, [with response on 26 February 1936] - 24 September 1935 - 14 October 1935 [with a program of 50th Anniversary Celebration] - 24 February 1935 - To Mrs. Nels J. Anderson in Chicago, Illinois, dated 4 October 1940 - Oscar E. Ostling in Chicago, Illinois, dated 16 March 1936 - Mrs A. Engblom (on the death of Rev. A. A. Engblom) in Concordia, Kansas, dated 10 January 1936 - Karl A. Lundin in Rockford, Illinois, dated 24 January 1936 - Fred L. Moberg in Harris, MN, dated 20 January 1936 - Walfred G. Holmberg in Minneapolis, MN, dated 17 September 1936 - N? W. Lund in Chicago, Illinois, dated 17 December 1936 - Swaney and Mrs. Nelson in Chicago, Illinois, dated 15 March 1937 - John Hedeen in: - New Bedford, Illinois, dated 17 June 1937 - Morgan Park, Illinois, dated 24 June 1943 - O. Milton Lind and G. Arvid Hagstrom at Bethel Institute in St. Paul, MN, dated 22 June 1937 - C. G. Tideman in Cokato, Minnesota, dated 15 October 1940 - To G. Arvid Hagstrom at Bethel Institute in St. Paul, MN, dated: - 24 February 1935 - 22 February 1938

The Hälsning folder contains newspaper clippings and a typed letter

The Correspondence of Lagergren folder contains information on historic and biographical material about Carl Gustaf Lagergren. This includes a letter from American Swedish Historical Museum, a “Who’s Who in Minnesota” application for Carl Gustaf Lagergren, and obituary notice of Miss Selma Gustava Lagergren [dated 27 November 1975], a biographical sheet on Carl Gustaf Lagergren, and a copy of ‘A Dramatic Reconciliation’ by C. George Ericson, Nov. 1961. Notably, this folder also contains letters from Anna Lagergren to David Guston, Archivist of Bethel Theological Seminary, dated 1974-76 with the subjects: Donation of Lagergren materials; Restoration and nameplate question of the color portrait of Carl Gustaf Lagergren; New filing cabinet and payment; Restoration of the clock. The Anden i Nordanshog. V. Moden folder contains a handwritten manuscript.

The Missionsarbete Bland Svenska Be Folkingen I America, Nov 1910 folder contains newspaper clippings on paper.

The Oväntadt. 9 Dec 1885 folder contains newspaper Clippings on paper.

The Kritiker och Analyser av N.S. MIller folder contains a typed resolution and a bound booklet.

The Pastor Eric Rosen av M. Rosenlund folder contains newspaper clippings.

The Svenska Standaret och Nya Wecko Posten 1917, 1922, and 1927 folder contains full newspapers dated 2 August 1917, 3 October 1922, and 30 August 1927.

The Sundsvalls. Sondagsskola, 1857-1907 folder contains a bound booklet by David Eden.

The Religionshistoria folder contains a bound, handwritten manuscript.

The Revelation and Theology folder contains a typed bound manuscript.

The Symbolics: Comparisons of Major Church Confessions of Faith folder contains a typed, bound manuscript.

The Lectures in Pastoral Theology 1894 folder contains a handwritten unbound manuscript and a typed bound manuscript.

The History of Philosophy folder contains a handwritten bound manuscript.

The Lärobok i Troslära af Carl Lagergren. Andra Delen, 1893-1894 folder contains a typed bound manuscript.

The Lärobok i Troslära af Carl Lagergren. Forsta Delen, 1893-1894 folder contains a typed bound manuscript.

The Pastoralteologi eller Kristlig Församlingsvärd folder contains a handwritten bound manuscript.

The Homiletek af Carl Lagergren folder contains a handwritten bound manuscript.

The Wägledning vid Studiet af Systematisk Teologi af Prof. C.G. The Lagergren folder contains a handwritten bound manuscript.

The Lärobok i Troslära af Carl Lagergren. Forsta Delen, 1893-1894 folder contains a bound photocopied manuscript.

The Lärobok i Troslära af Carl Lagergren. Andra Delen, 1893-1894 folder contains a bound photocopied manuscript.

The Bibelsk Eschatologi af H Gundersen folder contains a bound photocopied manuscript.

The Pastoralteologi af Carl G. Lagergren folder contains a bound photocopied manuscript.

The Lärobok i Troslära af Carl Lagergren. Pt. 1 and Pt. 2 folder contains bound photocopied manuscripts.

The Adolf Olson’s Memorial - February 1954 folder contains a copy of the Bethel Seminary Quarterly [February 1954].

The Resan I Amerika, 1889 folder contains an index of articles and newspaper clippings on paper.

The Amerika-Brev, 1889-90 folder contains newspaper clippings on paper and in an envelope. The Efter Sjuttiofem År folder contains a description card in Swedish, a bound booklet, the “Själfstyrelse” Article by C. G. Lagergren, two unbound handwritten translated manuscripts, a typed manuscript and bound booklet in a manila envelope, printed photographs, and unbound article clippings on paper. This folder also includes a custodial history letter to G David Guston about the reception of translated manuscripts by Roger Hanson.

The Strengnäs Tidning, 1846-1926 folder contains full newspapers for the following dates: - 16 December 1902 - 22 December 1926 - Julnummer 1949

The Miscellaneous subseries contains the following folders: - The Programs folder contains miscellaneous programs for the Bethel Seminary 44th Anniversary Celebration, the Founders Week Historical Banquet of 1959, and The Baptist Association’s Scandinavian Preachers meeting in Betelkapellet, dated December 6-8, 1905. - The Hymns and Poetry folder contains “Tack!” printed on glossy paper.

The Bethel folder contains an index of and articles, newspapers, manuscripts and booklets relating to Bethel’s history.

The De Fyra Huvudperioderna i vår historia (1852-1929) folder contains newspaper clippings on paper. The Tre gånger kallad folder contains clippings from the 1919 Annual Edition of the Bethel Herald.

The Government Papers for Carl Lagergren folder contains Swedish Government papers such as proof of identification and travel permits, including the following documents: 1871: University of Uppsala – Proof of Identification 1874: Evangelisten 1877: Predikaren 1883: Svardet och Murslefren 1889: Resepass (Travel Permit) – Sweden 1905: Travel Permit – USA

The Father’s Lectures folder contains a stapled booklet.

The Dedications folder contains a copy of Bethel Herald Annual Edition, dated May 1918, and a copy of Seminarie-Posten, Avslutnings-Nummer.

The History (Past) folder contains a mailed envelope for Anna and Selma Lagergren with a letter from Alvin E. Ostling, newspaper clippings on construction paper, a program for the Mission Circles Englewood Swedish Baptist Church Annual Celebration on 25 March 1905, and a booklet for the 80th Anniversary of Salem Baptist Church.

The Morgan Park Mission Circle folder contains newspaper clippings on paper and two typed copies of the Thirty Year Report of Morgan Park Mission Circle.

The Bishop Hill Rock Island folder contains a handwritten dedication and manuscript.

The Silverbröllop - 1898 folder contains an invitation for the Wedding Anniversary Celebration of Carl and Selma Lagergren, a handwritten speech, and a handwritten program.

The Bibelns Grundläror II folder contains a handwritten unbound manuscript.

The Bibelns Grundläror III - 1 folder contains a handwritten unbound manuscript.

The Bibelns Grundläror III - 2 folder contains a handwritten unbound manuscript and a typed unbound manuscript.

The Bibelns Grundläror IV - 1 folder contains a handwritten unbound manuscript.

The Bibelns Grundläror IV - 2 folder contains a handwritten unbound manuscript.

The Bibelns Grundläror IV - 3 folder contains a handwritten unbound manuscript.

The Bibelns Grundläror V - 1 folder contains a handwritten unbound manuscript and a typed unbound manuscript.

The Bibelns Grundläror V - 2 folder contains a handwritten unbound manuscript and a typed unbound manuscript.

The Bibelns Grundläror VI - 1 folder contains a handwritten unbound manuscript and a typed manuscript on paper.

The Bibelns Grundläror VI - 2 folder contains a handwritten unbound manuscript, a typed unbound manuscript, and a typed manuscript on paper.

The Bibelns Grundläror VII - 1 folder contains a handwritten unbound manuscript.

The Bibelns Grundläror VII - 2 folder contains a handwritten unbound manuscript.

The New Things and Old, Meditations on Religious Subjects - 1 folder contains a handwritten unbound manuscript, translated to English.

The New Things and Old, Meditations on Religious Subjects - 2 folder contains a handwritten unbound manuscript, translated to English.

The On the Increase or Decrease? A Picture of the Present Day folder contains a bound booklet, a handwritten unbound manuscript [translated to English], and a photocopied unbound manuscript [translated to English].

The Evangelisten - 1879 folder contains booklets for February, May, September, and October.

The Evangelisten - 1880 folder contains booklets for the entire year, excluding April and December.

The Evangelisten - 1881 folder contains booklets for February-May, August, and the Annual publication. The Evangelisten - 1882 folder contains booklets for the entire year and the annual publication, excluding June.

The Evangelisten - 1883 folder contains booklets for the entire year, excluding September.

The Svardet Och Murslefern - 1884 folder contains booklets for the entire year, excluding June, October, and December.

The Carl Lagergren Autobiography folder contains three copies of Carl Gustaf Lagergren’s Autobiography. The first copy is a typed unbound manuscript with annotations. The second copy is a typed unbound manuscript on parchment and includes a note from the translator to the archivist. The third copy is a typed unbound manuscript with annotations and includes a letter from the translator C. George Erickson to Archivist Norris Magnuson.

Scrapbooks The Black Album 1 folders and scrapbook includes family photographs in folders and a black-brown binder album with severable non-removable photographs. The Black Album 2 folder and scrapbook includes photographs in a folder and a tie-bound scrapbook with “Photographs” written in gold embossing. The West Dunes Album folders and scrapbook includes vacation photographs in multiple folders and a bound scrapbook with West—Dunes on tape and “Photographs” in gold embossing with non-removable photos inside. The University of Chicago Album folders and scrapbook includes a bound scrapbook with waved texture and several paper or non-removable photographs left inside.

Photographs The Postcards subseries contains collectable postcards from various scandinavian cities and countries, including the following folders and locations: - Finland - Sweden - Dalarna - Göteborg - Jämtland - Lappland - Medelpad - Skåne - Stockholm - Sodermanland - Uppsala - Östergötland - Miscellaneous The Swedish Tourism Annual Cards folder contains Carl Lagergren’s annual tourism passes to visit Sweden.

The Swedish Geography Tourism Prints folder contains photographic prints of various locations in Sweden.

The Activities folder contains photographs of the Lagergrens in various settings and activities, including Carl Gustaf Lagergren in his classroom.

The Groups folder contains photographs of various groups of two or more people, including full family portraits.

The Landscapes folder contains photographs.

The Miscellaneous folder contains photographs from miscellaneous sources in the Lagergren files.

The Portraits folder contains portraits of several individuals, including Dr. Carl Gustaf Lagergren, Mrs. Selma Lagergren, Miss Selma Lagergren, and their various associates.

The Brown Album folders and scrapbook includes a large, brown, bound scrapbook with gold flower seal on the front and contains photographs, writings, newspaper clippings and other miscellaneous textual items.

The Royal Order of the North Star folder contains letters from the Royal Consulate of Sweden and a diploma.

The Teologi Doktoren Carl Gustaf Lagergren vid Rittio år Den 21:a Juni, 1936 box contains a book on the Awarding of the Royal Order of the North Star to Carl Gustaf Lagergren.

The Lagergren Family Papers collection also contains a variety of mixed material items and objects, including:

Silver Tea Pot - Inscribed with the following words: - “För tolfårig framgångsrik verksamhet af Upsala Baptistförsamling” - “Minne till C. G. Lagergren den 26 Sept 1883”

Framed Royal Order of the North Star Pin - This is a framed photograph of the Royal Order pin received by C.G. Lagergren. The location of the physical pin is unknown.

Anna Lagergren Director Medallion - An encased bronze medallion denoting Anna Lagegren as the Director of Bethel Seminary.

Swedish Baptist Diamond Jubilee Pin - A gold pin with a blue ribbon, with the inscription, “Swedish Baptist Diamond Jubilee; 1852-1927, Chicago, Illinois”

University of Chicago Alumni of 50 Years Medallion - A two-inch medallion with an engraved crest in a maroon box, awarded to Carl Gustaf Lagergren.

Carl Gustaf Lagergren, D.D. Name Plaque - A bronze name plaque for the door of C. G. Lagergren’s office with the inscription: “Since 1889 Dean and Professor in Bethel Theological Seminary, Donated by Alumni and Students — May 1918.”

The Carl Gustaf Lagergren Collection Plaque - A bronze cabinet plaque from the former Lagergren cabinet, purchased by the Lagergren children for their family’s archival materials.

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  • 1871 - 1990

Conditions Governing Access

This collection is open for researcher use.


From the Collection: 11.5 Cubic Feet

Language of Materials

From the Collection: English

From the Collection: Swedish

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Repository Details

Part of the The History Center: Archives of Bethel University and Converge Repository

3900 Bethel Drive
Arden Hills MINNESOTA 55112 United States