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Bethel Board of Trustees collection, 1971-2014

Identifier: MSS-BU-17

Scope and Contents

The Board of Trustees collection dates between 1971 and 2014 and covers 22 boxes.

The Quarterly Reports to the Board of Regents were from the president of Bethel, as well as other leaders of Bethel Seminary and College. These reports date from 1973 to 1982.

Most of the binders holds agendas, minutes, and reports by various entities, such as Bethel Seminary, Bethel College, and Vancouver Bible College.

Two reports from the president of Vancouver Bible College through the executive secretary for higher education date to March and November 1977.

The Papers Prepared for the Board of Regents in 1980 has Mary Jo Twogood's name on the cover. It contains materials similar to the Agenda Books.

The Executive Committee series contains four binders dating from 1999 to 2006. They hold agendas, minutes, correspondence, financial information, and faculty data used for canidate hires or promotions.

The Recognition of pre-1989 Retirees binder dates to 2001. It holds the Board of Trustees' decision to grant more money to retirees, as well as letters written by retirees thanking the president and Board.

The Regents Handbook from 1973 was owned by Gordon G. Johnson. Two other binders date to 1981. These handbooks contain policies, guidelines, the structure of the Board, and other guiding documents.


  • 1971 - 2014

Conditions Governing Access

The majority of this collection is open for researcher use. The Executive Committee series contains some confidential PII and should be vetted by the archivist before researcher access.

Historical note

The Board for Bethel was originally named the Board of Education, switching names to the Board of Regents in 1970 to avoid confusion with the Baptist General Conference's Board of Christian Education. The Board of Regents was renamed the Board of Trustees in (before 2000) Its role is to supervise the work of Bethel leadership, provide guidance, maintain Biblical principles and pietistic heritage.


33 Cubic Feet

Language of Materials



This collection is primarily organized chronologically.

Custodial History

It is unclear when this collection was transferred to the archives.

Bethel Board of Trustees collection, 1971-2014
Rebekah Bain
February 2025
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
Script of description

Repository Details

Part of the The History Center: Archives of Bethel University and Converge Repository

3900 Bethel Drive
Arden Hills MINNESOTA 55112 United States