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Bethel Alumni Records collection, 1970

Identifier: MSS-BU-16

Scope and Contents

This collection is made up of 28 binders containing alumni data. The last records date to 1970.

Most of the binders in this collection are alphabetized cards of data on Bethel alumni, including information on birth, parents, church, education, family, and employment.

The Foreign, Canada, Misc. States, Alaska-Florida binder holds data on international students, as well as Alabama, Arizona, Deleware, Georgia, Idaho, Alaska, California, Colorado, Connecticut, and Florida.

The Missionaries binder contains lists of missionary societies, Swedish Baptist foreign missionaries, as well as alumni in the mission field.

The Graduates by Years binder ranges from 1873 to 1970 and includes commencement data, such as location, speaker, president, valedictorian, and salutatorian.


  • 1970

Conditions Governing Access

This collection is open for researcher use.


7 Cubic Feet

Language of Materials



This collection is arranged primarily alphabetically, according to last name of the alumnus.

Custodial History

It is unclear when this collection was transferred to the archives.

Bethel Alumni Records collection, 1970
Rebekah Bain
February 2025
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
Script of description

Repository Details

Part of the The History Center: Archives of Bethel University and Converge Repository

3900 Bethel Drive
Arden Hills MINNESOTA 55112 United States