Bible verse bookmark
Scope and Contents
The Bethel material series includes the files and records involving Nelson's tenure as a professor at Bethel. These include professional correspondence, records from organizations in which Nelson was involved, and bulletins from various events held at the college. The appreciation book is a scrapbook compiling clippings and personal notes of appreciation for Nelson's work. The black binder contains handwritten notes about various years of Nelson's career. The Commencement and Baccalaureate Programs notebook is a composition notebook filled with various bulletins of events at Bethel.
The Inspiration Fine Hosiery box contains "History of the Personnel Department of Bethel College", greeting cards, and many handwritten notes.
The Alabaster by Whiting box contains writings about women in the denomination and at Bethel, including "A Challenge to the Twentieth Century Woman," "25th Anniversary Program: Bethel Institute Women's Federation", and "Bethel Girls' Dormitory." Other material is a pamphlet from Central Baptist Church and a pamphlet titled "Bethel Traditions."
The Eaton's Floral Ensemble box contains a handheld mini fan, several small notebooks, several handwritten notes, and a drawing. It also includes several pamphlets including "honor America" from the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, "Looking Ahead After Thirty Years" from Bethel Academy, "Baptist Leadership" by Robert Torbet, "Variety Club Heart Hospital", "Bethel Institute: Bible and Missionary Training Course 1924-1925", "Olivia Johnson Memorial Missionary Movement."
The photographs series contains several folders of loose photographs, as well as a folder containing slides that were removed from their original box. The other box of slides are kept in their original box. Multiple scrapbooks and albums are included in this series; their photographs were removed and placed into corresponding folders after being labeled. Chronoligically, the albums would be ordered Black Album 2 (1937-1940), Black Album 3 (1939-1948), Black Album 1 (1951-1955), and Brown Album 2 (1964-1966).
Black Album 1 (1951-1955) includes photos from Baptist Conferences, her family and friends, homecoming, and a variety of Christmas Cards
Black Album 2 (1935-1940) includes photos from her family (as a little girl and into her adulthood, other extended family relatives, and her namesake), graduations, church buildings, her father's memorial, missionaries, her Bethel College German classes several Christmas cards.
Black Album 3 (1939-1948) includes photographs from missionaries and churches, weddings, family and friends, travels, Bethel college, and many Christmas cards.
Brown Album 2 (1964-1966) includes photgraphs from weddings. missionaries, the Bethel Campuses, and many Christmas cards (including one from Billy Graham).
The Guestbooks series contains seven guestbooks listing visitors ranging from 1952 to 1977.
The Budgets and Recipes accordian folder contains collected clippings, mostly from newspapers. These clippings are photographs of people, graphic artwork pieces, and Christmas greetings.
The Scrapbooks series includes four scrapbooks of newspaper clippings, magazine clippings, greeting cards, personal notes, the memorial service bulletin for Reuben E. Nelson, and hymns.
There are four yearbooks in the Yearbooks series: Omaha Central High School, 1919; Sioux City High School, 1920; Des Moines University, 1926 and 1928.
- Majority of material found within 1920 - 1972
From the Collection: 6 Cubic Feet
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
- From the Collection: Nelson, Effie Victoria (1901-1977) (Person)
Repository Details
Part of the The History Center: Archives of Bethel University and Converge Repository