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 File — Box: 3, Folder: 9

Scope and Contents

From the Collection:

The Aymond Anderson papers cover three boxes of 4.5 cubic feet. They date approximately between 1945 amd 1975.

Most of the folders are sermon notes. Some folders are labeled by topic, and the alphebetized folders retain the titles of the original folders. Other original folders that were unlabeled are now labeled "Sermons".

The Notes were found in the folders of articles and pamphlets. The Ephemera folder contains a selection of material saved from the articles and pamphlets folders. Included are writings on antisemitism, atomic weapons, problems with the Revised Standard Version Bible, and the rapture. There are also papers from the installation of officers of the Bethel Women's Association, the dedication of Sunday School officers, and the installation of officers of the Bethel Baptist Brotherhood.

The alphabetized binders contain subject cards that correspond to sermon topics, which served as an index to his saved articles and pamphlets.

The photographs contain portraits, preaching photos, and other church photographs.

Two DVDs are included in this collection, containing three sermons by Anderson dating to 1994 to 2001. The other disc holds his memorial service from November 2005.


  • 2025-02-04 - 2025-02-25

Conditions Governing Access

This collection is open for researcher use.


From the Collection: 4.5 Cubic Feet

Language of Materials

From the Collection: English


Repository Details

Part of the The History Center: Archives of Bethel University and Converge Repository

3900 Bethel Drive
Arden Hills MINNESOTA 55112 United States