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Alumni Class Rep

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 8

Scope and Contents

From the Collection:

The Norris Magnuson papers date between 1944 and 1999 and span 10.5 cubic feet in seven boxes.

The Bethel series contains documents from Magnuson's time as a student at Bethel. The Analysis of Pealism was a paper written for the class Pastoral Counseling with Dean Omark in 1956. The Conversion of St. Paul was a paper written for the class Psychology of Religion in 1960. Three notebooks are filled with class notes from classes, two taught by Dr. Fagerstrom. The folders mostly hold papers written for various classes at Bethel.

The Alumni Class Rep folder dates to the 1970s. It holds documents from Magnuson as the class representative, much of it fundraising correspondence.

The Writings and Talks folders hold various articles and speeches given by Magnuson. How We Grew was a booklet printed by the Baptist General Conference about its history. Building on a Heritage was an issue of the Bethel Seminary Journal managed by Magnuson. The Missionsskolan folder contains the publishing draft of the his book on Bethel Theological Seminary history.

The Bethel Faculty folders hold documents collected by Magnuson during his time as Bethel faculty. This includes memos, minutes from the Academic Programs Committee, minutes from the Seminary Self Study Committee, minutes from the Faculty Personal and Professional Growth Committee, and an agenda from the Chapel and Lecture Committee.

The Statements of Faith were submitted to Seminary faculty. Those kept by Magnuson include from Donald Bird, Paul Keidel, Ken Bern, and Bryan Jacobson.

The Seminary Newssheet folder dates between 1973 and 1978.

The Notes folders contain mostly handwritten loose notes kept by Magnuson on many topics, such as work, books he was reading, classes, and scripture. Several loose envelopes with notes written directly on them are kept loose from folders. The Sermon notes were taken during sermons at Salem Baptist Church in New Brighton.

The Ministerial Guidance Committee was a committee of the Baptist General Conference that included Magnuson. The binder holds some meeting minutes from the late 1970s, as well as correspondence, notes of the pastoral placement process, and information on church incidents. Several statements of faith for pastors before ordination are included in these folders, including those from Chuck Parker, James Blades, Scott Pearson, Mark Patrick, Ron Blomberg, Randy Swenson, David Nethercott, Dennis Pearson, Frank Evans, Stephen Pike, Lloyd Nelson, John Merritt, and Karl Smith.

The Correspondence folders date between 1944 and 1999. Topics are personal and work related, especially about the Library and Archives. The Thesis folder dates to the 1960s, much of which consists of applications for grants while he was writing his thesis. The Sabbatical correspondence folder dates mostly to the late 1960s, with correspondence with other libraries on their holdings relevant to his research.

The Sabbatical folder dates to the early 1990s, and includes reports and projects Magnuson worked on during sabbatical.

The Library School folder holds Magnuson's notes from his time at library school at the University of Minnesota.

The Library series focuses on Bethel Theological Seminary Library. The General folder contains a variety of information, such as self-assessments, information on audiovisual equipment and other resources, computerization, collection development policies, library guides, minutes from the Minnesota Theological Library Association, and written library histories. The Statistics folder contains library statistics on budgets, collection development, circulation, and ATLA rankings. The Goals and Objectives folder holds documents sent to the Seminary dean on the library's future outlook. The Reports folder hold library reports from 1972 to 1995. The binder labeled Minnesota Governor's Pre-White House Conference on Library and Information Services dates to 1978, and holds information from Magnuson's role as a delegate. A History of Bethel Theological Seminary Library: Past to Present was written by Carol Brice as a thesis for the University of Minnesota in 1973. The Minnesota Library Association put out directories of academic librarians in 1971 and 1972.

The Archives folders involve the archives of Bethel and the Baptist General Conference. They hold logs of activities, reports to the Historical Committee, correspondence, and the library structure. The finance folder holds mostly checks from the Baptist General Conference to fund the archives. The photographs folder contains prints and negatives of historical people and places within the Baptist General Conference, such as F.O. Nilsson. The Russian/Chinese Missions folder contains inquiries about the August Lindstedt papers by researchers.

The Scandinavian Heritage Task Force folder dates to 1980 and 1981 to emphasize Bethel's Swedish roots.

The Salvation in the Slums series involves the writing and publishing of the book by the same title. Originally his thesis for his doctorate at the University of Minnesota, it was later published as a book. The series contains his research, drafts of the book, his thesis from 1968, publishing information, and advertisements for the book.

The Ph. D. folder contains documents from the University of Minnesota during the 1960s, such as commencement information, correspondence, and application information.

The Courses taught folders were from classes Magnuson taught at Bethel. These include Church Renewal in Modern America and Life of Prayer. A Church History class cassette, possibly taught by Magnuson, is included.

A Bethel Promotional Video VHS is included in this collection, with short interviews by faculty memebers.

The Administrative Committee folders date between 1978 and 1993. They contain mostly meeting minutes from the Administrative Committee at Bethel.

The Advising folders contain information for Magnuson's advisees at Bethel, including thesis information, class schedules, biographical sketches of students, and registration documents. The last folder holds a paper or thesis from 1983, but it is unclear who wrote it.

Two agenda books dating to 1972 and 1973 hold schedules and other written notes.

The Multicultural Affairs folder holds materials from the search committee for the position Director of Multi-Cultural Affairs at the Seminary in 1989.

The Continuing Education Advisory Committee folders date to 1976 through 1980. There are meeting agendas, minutes, correspondence, and continuing education brochures. The topic is continuing education classes at the Seminary.

The Lay School of the Bible folder dates from 1971 to 1972, containing planning committee minutes and brochures for classes offered.

The Academic Programs Committee folder dates to 1982 and 1983, containing some meeting minutes, with more print-outs of articles and chapters on curriculum design.

The Butler Memos are from Lucius Butler, former media and curriculum consultant at Bethel. Some of the memos are specific to an ancient red pottery bowl at the Seminary and its appraisal.

The Social Ministries folder contents are from the Baptist General Conference Social Ministries Committee, including minutes, handwritten notes, correspondence, a filmstrip pamphlet for "A Rich Ministry of Care", and session outlines. "A Christian Concern for the Older Person: Six Sessions Focusing on the Needs of the Older Person" is an instructor guide booklet by the Social Ministries Committee.

Three Interpretation Division folders contain documents from the division in the Seminary, such as course listings, syllabi, memos, correspondence, and meeting minutes.

The Faculty Personal and Professional Growth Committee folders contain meeting minutes, memos, and notes. The committee designed professional development courses and social events. The folders date to the 1970s and 1980s.

Several facutly retreats from 1978 to 1989 are represented, including the agendas, reports, and presentation notes.

The Studies and Reports folder contain a self-study from the Nursing Department from 1985, a 1984 Seminary West Campus report, a 1980 Seminary St. Paul report, and a Bethel organization paper from 1985.


  • 1944 - 1999

Conditions Governing Access

This collection is open for researcher use.


From the Collection: 10.5 Cubic Feet

Language of Materials

From the Collection: English

Repository Details

Part of the The History Center: Archives of Bethel University and Converge Repository

3900 Bethel Drive
Arden Hills MINNESOTA 55112 United States