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Christmas photograph

 Item — Box: 2, Object: 4

Scope and Contents

From the Collection:

The Depression House collection spans two boxes, as well as a few external items, and dates between 1976 and 1984.

The Preparation folder holds documents regarding Doc Dalton's preparation for the Depression House class, including learning resources, liability insurance, and directions to the house.

The Applications detail prospective students' background and interest in taking the course.

The Finances folder contains receipts from shopping for the...
class expenses.

The Correspondence folder holds letters primarily from educators interested in the Depression House article in the Chronicle of Higher Eduction and other publications.

The Recipes / Hymns folder contains recipes and hymns from the 1930s that were used during the class in the Depression House.

The Readings folder holds articles and other readings contemporary to or about the Great Depression, either for reference or for the class to read. Pricilla Robertson's "A Visit to an Arkansas Sharecropper in 1937" and Elmer B. Oberg's "Frugal Papa: Heritage of a Thrifty Farm Life" are two such readings.

The dated folders hold materials from that year's class, mostly newspaper clippings, as well as photographs. Greg Grano's journal and a photocopy of Bob Palmquist's journal from the 1980 class are included.

Two folders of photographs taken from albums are undated.

The Materials from Roy Dalton folder holds various items, including posters advertising Bethel, Depression era store advertisements, and two issues of the newspaper Bethel: News From Bethel College from 1972 and 1973.

The Minneapolis Tribune: The Depression edition was printed in 1979, 50 years after the start of the Great Depression.

There are four large photographs taken out of frames.

The Outgoing mail slot is made of birchbark and dates to 1980.

The Tree ring was painted by the Depression House class of 1978.

The Painted toilet seat dates to the class of 1977 and lists the names of students at the Depression House.

The Bethel North sign was located at the Depression House in 1984.

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  • 1976 - 1984

Conditions Governing Access

This collection is open to researcher use.


From the Collection: 4 Cubic Feet

Language of Materials

From the Collection: English

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Repository Details

Part of the The History Center: Archives of Bethel University and Converge Repository

3900 Bethel Drive
Arden Hills MINNESOTA 55112 United States